New Payroll Service from 1 April 2025
What’s changing? From 1 April 2025, ESNEFTs Pay and Pension Team will be taking over the full pay and pension service from our current external provider, NHS Shared Business Services (SBS). All pay and pension queries will need to be directed to the pay
Pension/Retirement Seminars for staff 2025
Please do not comment on this article, if you require support or need to ask a question please raise a ticket to the appropriate team. If you do leave a comment it will not be responded to. Overview of sessions below For full details of dates / times
My NHS Pension - new online portal
Please do not comment on this article, if you require support or need to ask a question please raise a ticket to the appropriate team. If you do leave a comment it will not be responded to. My NHS Pension My NHS Pension is a new, secure online portal
NEW June 2024 - Payroll Bitesize Training Sessions
We are pleased to offer the following Bitesize Training Sessions These Bitesize training sessions are 45 Minutes in duration and delivered over Teams, the sessions currently available are:- Maternity Process Bitesize Training Retirement Process Bitesize
Recording Return to Work – new functionality
You can now record a ‘return to work’ on sickness entries without need to unlock the entry. This is a very helpful update to the system and will remove the requirement for managers to raise a ticket asking for the entry to be unlocked. Please do not comment
NEW - Bite Size Roster Sessions
Each 30 minute session will focus on a specific area of roster management and will be supported by a detailed guide that will be sent to you after the session. The sessions will run twice weekly starting on 14th May, sessions to be delivered over TEAMS.
LOOP rollout across ESNEFT
Over the coming weeks LOOP will be rolled out as a replacement for AllocateME/ Employee on Line. We would like your feedback on the LOOP App, if you have any comments or observations on it please add them to the comments. IMPORTANT, the comments are for
Before you raise a ticket, have you spoken to your manager as many queries can be dealt with locally?
Many queries raised on tickets can be dealt with at a local level by speaking with your manager e.g adjustments on live and future rosters including amending or cancelling annual leave, updating shift times etc. Before raising a ticket please speak with
Understanding your Payslip (Oct 2022)
Selenity Access Issues - check that you are not using Internet Explorer
You will need to access Selenity via a different browser such as Chrome or Microsoft Edge, as Internet Explorer is no longer supported. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT AS THEY ARE NOT MONITORED - IF YOU HAVE A QUERY PLEASE RAISE A TICKET
Roster Finalisation Checklist
PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT AS THEY ARE NOT MONITORED - IF YOU HAVE A QUERY PLEASE RAISE A TICKET This checklist has been developed to support managers in recording the correct information on HealthRoster and to confirm when they need to
Tax Code Queries
For queries regarding your tax code and tax allowances you will need to contact HMRC on 0300 200 3300. PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS ANNOUNCEMENT AS THEY ARE NOT MONITORED - IF YOU HAVE A QUERY PLEASE RAISE A TICKET
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The Community hub inside Zoho Desk lets you build a powerful community around your business, while still serving customers via other channels. Your customers can post 4 types of content within your community. These are Ideas, Questions, Problems and Discussions.