Annual Leave calculations
staff must use the Employee App, Loop, to manage and book their annual leave
and bank holidays. Paper records should
not be kept.
leave entitlement is set within ESR and is based on reckonable service which
comprises of Trust service plus aggregated (previous years) service and weekly
contracted hours. Bank (NHSp)
Service does not count towards aggregated service.
trust wide annual leave entitlement upload runs between ESR and Healthroster on
a weekly basis.
calculates the entitlement per day and will recalculate the daily entitlement
if staff increase/decrease their hours and the change will reflect in
Healthroster via the weekly upload once the ESR record is updated.
staff that meet a 5 or 10 year anniversary in year, the entitlement will be set
to reflect the additional hours at the start of the leave year the anniversary