How do I get a job planning account?
Allocate is the software used for Appraisal, Job Planning and Multi Source Feedback.
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I would like to edit my job plan, how do I do this?
Job plans are republished by the Revalidation Team if there is a fundamental change to your working diary. Please contact your Divisional Support Coordinator via for further advice on this
I cannot access my Allocate account, what should I do?
Please contact your Divisional Support Coordinator via for further assistance. Please do not contact IT as they will be unable to assist with Allocate.
My PAs have changed and I have taken on a new role, what should I do?
Your job plan need to be re-published from the date of change as this will drive your pay. Please contact your Divisional Support Coordinator via who will be able to assist you further
Who is my appraiser and how do I contact them?
When an account is activated on Allocate this defaulted to "TBC Appraiser" and this will be updated once an appraiser has been allocated to you.