If the increase or decrease in PAs is 0.25 or less then a change form is not required. Any variation over this amount will require a change form submitting, these are submitted to the team by the Divisional General Manager.
For any of these issues, please contact the NMC directly with either of the following numbers: General enquiries and fitness to practise: 020 7637 7181 Registration enquiries: 020 7333 9333
Job plans are republished by the Revalidation Team if there is a fundamental change to your working diary. Please contact your Divisional Support Coordinator via revalidation@esneft.zohodesk.eu for further advice on this
Your job plan need to be re-published from the date of change as this will drive your pay. Please contact your Divisional Support Coordinator via revalidation@esneft.zohodesk.eu who will be able to assist you further