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Where can I find more information on fertility leave?
Further information regarding Fertility Leave is in the Family Leave Toolkit - Section 4. In summary, any employee who has 12 months continuous service with the Trust may be granted up to 5 working days of paid fertility leave. If an employee should ...
Carers Leave
Carers leave is provided to deal with urgent unexpected or sudden events affecting dependants. Carers leave is not appropriate to deal with planned events such as a dependants planned surgery. The line manager or their nominee has the discretion to ...
Bereavement Leave
Bereavement Leave may be given in the immediate aftermath of the loss of a dependant aged 18+. The line manager or their nominee may grant up to three days pro rata paid compassionate leave. This may be increased to a maximum of five days depending ...
Domestic Emergencies
A domestic emergency includes but is not limited to flood, fire and burglary. Up to three days paid leave may be granted. If any further time is required this may be taken as annual leave, unpaid leave or using TOIL. Leave Policy v2.0 - ESNEFT.docx ...
Interview leave/interview leave for medical staff
Requests for interview leave will be considered for employees attending interviews within the Trust. There is normally no provision for paid interview leave for positions outside the Trust. For medical staff employed on training contracts, eligible ...